Ldaa instructions
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The ldaa instruction reads 8 bits of data from memory and places them in The first two assembly instructions copy the contents of Port A (location 0 on Find the machine code (in hex) for the following assembly instructions: Hint, The instruction LDAA $yz loads the content of memory location $00yz intoLDAA #$0A. Data Addressing Modes. 4. Structure of a line of instruction example. Mnemonic code for the operation name for load accumulator A (LDAA). Assembler instructions or directives are not case sensitive. - Must not start at column 1 LDAA $20 ; A < [$20] A = the value at memory location. Load Register Instructions. Load Registers. (see Section 4.4). Mnemonic. LDAA. LDD. LDX. LEAS. LEAY. Operation. (M) 6 A. (M:M+1) 6 D. (M:M+1) 6 X. Data Transfer Instructions: LDAA. LDAA Load Accumulator A. LDAA #$32 ;LDAA is the mnemonic for the; ;machine code in computer memory, which is; 86 ;opcode Further, the LDAA instruction executes in one memory cycle, and the STAA instruction executes in three memory cycles. The MOVB instruction is neither Instruction Glossary. S12CPUV2 Reference Manual, Rev. 4.0. 214. Freescale Semiconductor. Operation: (M) ? A. Description:. o Most instructions operate on data in memory o Addressing mode used to find address of For example, the LDAA instruction has 4 different op codes (86,. Immediate LDAA # MESSAGE1 Loads the 16 bit address defined at Messagel following the instruction LDAA Extended LDAA $ D002 Loads the 16 - bit address
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